5780 in review


We know we’re not alone in hoping for a calmer, healthier, sweeter new year. But as we reflect on 5780, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the bright spots in an otherwise challenging year.


Uganda mission

In November, a group of participants traveled to Uganda to meet the Ugandan Jewish community. With their time and gifts, the group helped the school build a kitchen and self-sustaining farm, both of which will help the school feed its students

Challah Bake

We were kvelling last fall to watch 500+ women gather to celebrate the mitzvah of baking challah. This year’s virtual event will look slightly different (and require less cleanup!) but we’ve got tricks up our sleeve and you won’t want to miss it!

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YALA Leadership Series

Despite COVID keeping them from meeting in person, the first cohort of the YALA Leadership Series pressed on—and participants are reporting that even in its new format, the sessions built confidence and helped them hone their leadership skills.

Super Funday

More than 300 of you joined us at Super Funday to celebrate community and kick off the 2020 Community Campaign. But in hindsight, the event—which took place March 1—feels like a send-off to communal life as we knew it.

Twin Cities Jewish Population Study

The results are in for the Twin Cities Jewish Population Study, a joint project between the St. Paul and Minneapolis Jewish Federations. The short story—our Jewish community has grown. For the long story, you’ll want to dig in right over here.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund and Kadima

Though we never would have wished for this situation, Federation is proud to have been poised to quickly and effectively respond when the community faced a crisis situation during COVID-19. The crisis is far from over, and now 20+ local Jewish organizations have joined Kadima to fundraise for the extraordinary needs we all still face—together.