5 things you can do before February 21st to make your #ShareShabbat amazing

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#ShareShabbat is less than a month away, and over here at Federation we’re having a hard time containing our excitement! We’re delighted to help bring this in-home social challenge to life, and to help you connect to new people in your community. 

We’ve been calling it “the challenge that isn’t actually a challenge.” After all, you only need to invite someone over for Shabbat who’s never been to your house before! But maybe the guest list isn’t the problem for you—maybe it’s reciting kiddush, or cooking for a big group, or that you just don’t have all the elements you need to host a Shabbat. We get it. There’s a lot to consider. 

Lucky for you, there’s also a lot of resources out there (courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Community Connector) for you to make your #ShareShabbat a #SuccessShabbat. What are you waiting for? Check out the 5 things you can do before 2.21 to make your Shabbat amazing. 

  1. Sign up for Crash Course: How to Host a Shabbat Dinner on February 9th 

So you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of leading guests through the Shabbat prayers, or worried that you’re going to have a hard time acting as host for a table full of guests. Not to worry—this course has all the info you need, from reciting kiddush to leading conversations with your new friends. And best of all? It’s FREE. Sign up here.  

2. Get ready to Prep + Schlep on February 19th 

Okay, you’ve taken your Crash Course and invited your guests. But wait—you need a whole dinner for everyone you’ve just invited! DON’T PANIC. Prep + Schlep is the busy Shabbat host’s answer to preparing a full-on Shabbat dinner for new friends. Come to Federation on 2.19 to PREP a meal to feed eight guests and then SCHLEP it back to your home, where you can pop it in the oven when it’s time. It’s easy as pie. Or as kugel (which is the dessert course you’ll be prepping!). Get your ticket here—$100 feeds eight and gets you a five-course meal. 

  3. Stock up on challah at one of our two Challah Bakes 

I don’t know if you know this, but around here, challah’s kind of a big deal. In fact, it’s such a big deal that we have not one but TWO challah bakes in the week leading up to #ShareShabbat—and we all know you can’t have Shabbat without challah. If you’ve got kids who are aspiring bakers, then our Family Challah Bake on 2.17 is the event for you. Otherwise, everyone else can get their bake on at our Challah Bake for all on 2.13. Get your tickets here

4. Grab free kosher wine from YALA’s L’Chaim to augment your Shabbat menu from Prep + Schlep 

Don’t stress about your drink menu—YALA’s got you covered. If you’re a young adult hosting Shabbat, YALA will hook you up with some free kosher wine. All you have to do is email YALA Manager Emma Dunn.  

5. Pick up your free Shabbox at one of our lead up events. 

What’s that? You didn’t know that as part of signing up for #ShareShabbat, you also get a free Shabbat starter kit? The Shabbox is another essential item for the busy host. It has everything you need to have a successful night—grape juice, a kiddush cup, two mini challahs and a challah cover, and a conversation card to help keep things interesting around the table. Did we mention it’s free? All you have to do is sign up for #ShareShabbat and pick up the Shabbox at one of our lead up events, or at Federation during our business hours that week.  

Feeling less intimidated and more excited? All signed up for the big challenge? We’re so excited you’re joining us in this celebration of building community, and we can’t wait to #ShareShabbat with you on the 21st. 

Hey! Keep your eyes peeled for a special week of giveaways next week! If you sign up for #ShareShabbat next week, you’ll be entered into certain giveaways and have the chance to win more FREE stuff. No, seriously, more free stuff. Seriously! It’s all in the name of making sure you have an amazing #ShareShabbat. Check your email for more details soon! 

Questions about #ShareShabbat or community happenings? Contact our Community Connector, Giti Fredman.



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